
my name is
Sami Dahoux !

I'm a 6-years experienced software engineer with a em interest in web technologies and cyber-physical systems. I believe that engineering is an artistic and creative way to imagine and build the world we want to live in.

Make mankind dreams come true

Mines St-Etienne

Illustration of Hardware Design

Design of FPGA and ASIC based microelectronics components in the context of hardware security research.

Hardware Design

  • Embedded Systems
  • C
  • Signal processing
  • Project management
  • FPGA Prototyping
  • Software design
  • Python
  • Zybo devices
  • Processor Design
  • Physical Hacking
6 months of experience
May 2020 - Nov 2020

Illustration of Software Development

Fullstack design of applications and websites as well as software libraries, both in open source and SaaS context.

Software Development

  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Notion
  • Web development
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Project management
  • PostgreSQL
  • Haskell
  • System Design
  • Linux
  • Graphana
  • Product Management
  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Notion
  • Web development
  • Javascript
  • Rust
  • Software design
  • MongoDB
  • Signal processing
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Computer Vision
  • Mobile development
  • Swift
  • Bluetooth
  • Git
  • Web development
  • Computer graphics
  • Numeric simulation
  • Javascript
  • Rust
  • Java
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Python
  • Physics
  • Computer Vision
  • Game Development
6 years 5 months of experience
Sep 2017 - Mar 2024

Illustration of System specification

Definition of cyber-physical systems requirements and functional specification in the rail industry.

System specification

  • Embedded Systems
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Physics
  • Maths
  • Digital mobility
  • Railway Signalling
  • Automated Subway
  • CBTC
  • System Specification
5 months of experience
Nov 2020 - May 2021
2014 * * * * * 2015 * * * * * 2016 * * * * * 2017 * * * * * 2018 * * * * * 2019 * * * * * 2020 * * * * * 2021 * * * * * 2022 * * * * * 2023 * * * * * 2024 * * * * *
  • Lycée Paul Valéry
  • Mines St-Etienne
  • Alstom
  • Aletiq
  • Mines St-Etienne
  • xRapid
  • Oyst
  • Mines St-Etienne
Illustration of Software Engineer
2 years 3 months
Paris, France

Medior fullstack web developer on Aletiq Product Lifecycle Management solution

Software Engineer

  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Notion
  • Web development
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Project management
  • PostgreSQL
  • Haskell
  • System Design
  • Linux
  • Graphana
  • Product Management

Key Points

  • New features development in a complex application
  • Technical advises on keys features of the application
  • Quality control via code reviews and best practices meetings
  • Accountable for technical onboarding of new customers
  • Onboarding automation tools design and project manager
6 months
Paris, France

Develop web architecture on self-initiative and freelance projects

Full-Stack Architect

  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Notion
  • Web development
  • Javascript
  • Rust
  • Software design
  • MongoDB

Key Points

  • Web services architecture
  • Database architecture
  • System administration
  • Application design
  • Low level & performance oriented
Illustration of System Engineer
5 months
Saint-ouen-sur-seine, France

Design and requirement management on an automated subway solution

System Engineer

  • Embedded Systems
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Physics
  • Maths
  • Digital mobility
  • Railway Signalling
  • Automated Subway
  • CBTC
  • System Specification

Key Points

  • Functional architecture and design specification
  • Requirement traceability and refinement
  • Preliminary software design
  • Verification and validation compliance
  • Change request analysis and troubleshooting


As a system engineer at Alstom, I was able to take part of the development of the new CBTC system named Urbalis Fluence. It was waiting to be deployed in Shenzen's subway, line 20, in China.

Fluence is able to leverage train-to-train communication to increase the throughput of the line compared to previous automated subway technologies such as Urbalis U400.

I participated in the control design in collaboration with system architects, establishing behavior of the trains and the devices on the network.

I presented the new system features to the software team in order to explain how these would work and discuss potential development issues.

I also managed traceability and refinement with high-level requirements with the signalling team as well as testing and satisfaction with the verification and validation team.

Illustration of Hardware Security Engineer
6 months
Mines St-Etienne
Gardanne, France

Architecture and design of a state of the art hardware attack test bench

Hardware Security Engineer

  • Embedded Systems
  • C
  • Signal processing
  • Project management
  • FPGA Prototyping
  • Software design
  • Python
  • Zybo devices
  • Processor Design
  • Physical Hacking

Key Points

  • FPGA co-design and hacking
  • Embedded software and serial communication
  • Client application for intensive computations
  • Technical and scientific documentation
  • IEEE HOST 2022 first place on best hardware demo


As a hardware security engineer at the Syst├¿mes et Architectures S├®curis├®s laboratory of Mines St-Etienne, I was able to develop SCABox, an opne-source test bench that evaluates the resilience of crypto-algorithms during side-channel attacks. The project is available on GitHub.

The bench provides FPGA power sensors that can be implemented on a remote fabric. It can perform attacks on the electronic board where it is located and communicate results to a client computer. It succeeded in breaking the encryption key used by the famous OpenSSL's AES algorithm.

I worked in collaboration with a research team that helped me to understand the side-channel attacks fundamentals and provided me with a proof of concept code.

I autonomously developed the test bench architecture, composed of the power sensor, a demo hardware AES to attack and interfacing with the CPU of the development board.

I also developed a low-level driver application that runs on the board and can both receive control attack triggering and transmit power leakage via serial link.

I developed the remote client application that was able to communicate with the driver and gather power leakages from the fabric to visualize these and break the encryption keys via statistical measurement.

I provided the solution with a documentation website featuring getting started guide and explanations on how the bench works.

5 months
Paris, France

Responsible for the integration of a payment solution at e-merchants

Project Manager Operations

  • Web development
  • Javascript
  • Project management
  • E-Commerce
  • Excel
  • Customer Success
  • Prestashop
  • Forestadmin
  • Product Management

Key Points

  • Go-live and deployment planning
  • Continuous product improvement and bug tracking
  • Merchant account management and end-user support
  • Monitoring and analysis of operational metrics
  • Automation and procedures to reduce payment fraud risks
8 months
Aix-en-provence, France

Mobile application for the testing of an automated microscope

Software Engineer

  • Signal processing
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Computer Vision
  • Mobile development
  • Swift
  • Bluetooth

Key Points

  • GO/NOGO evaluation for an iPhone driven microscope
  • Requirements, budget and planning alignment
  • Development of a iOs mobile application
  • Bluetooth interfacing and image processing


In the context of an academic project at Mines-St Etienne, I was able to contribute to the development of a validation bench for a microscope manufactured by the company xRapid to perform medical analysis.

The validation bench performed a quality GO/NO GO test at the output of the microscope production facilities located in China.

I worked in a team of three engineering students during the, autonomous during the whole project,

We established establishing the quality requirements, budget and planning, with xRapid.

I participated in the development of the iOs application that paired with the microscope, using Bluetooth, to perform the test.

I was mainly in charge of the software architecture, ensuring quality and maintainability of the different software parts.

I also designed and developed the graphical user interface of the application as well as a displacement detection algorithm for the microscope's stage based on OCR technology.

Illustration of Open-source Developer
2 years 5 months
Mines St-Etienne

Software design and development on self initiative projects

Open-source Developer

  • Git
  • Web development
  • Computer graphics
  • Numeric simulation
  • Javascript
  • Rust
  • Java
  • Project management
  • Software design
  • Python
  • Physics
  • Computer Vision
  • Game Development

Key Points

  • Self learning from MIT and Stanford online lectures
  • Computer graphics, image processing, web development
  • Open-source simulations, games and code libraries
  • Continuous integration and agile development


As a student at Mines St-Etienne, I committed myself into several projects, in order to enhance my abilities in software development as well as to get introduced into scientific topics that interested me. Most of these projects are available on GitHub.

I followed online lectures, especially from MIT OpenCourseWare, In order to get deep into materials relation to my engineering graduation such as cryptography or algorithmic and data structures but also to get introduced to new programming languages and skills.

I also followed various lectures on scientific topics such as computer graphics, image processing or differential geometry when it was required by the projects I was working on. Sometimes I was also brought into reading academic papers

I developed most of the software projects using continuous integration and following agile development guidelines. Some of these are publicly available on package mangers such as npm and have more than 1000 downloads.

Illustration of Engineering School
4 years
Mines St-Etienne
Gardanne, France

Top ten French engineering school oriented towards electronics and computer design.

Engineering School

  • Numeric simulation
  • Embedded Systems
  • C
  • Java
  • Signal processing
  • Microelectronics
  • Operational Research
  • Supply Chain
  • VHDL
  • Vivado
  • Modelsim
  • Strategic management
  • Project management
  • English
  • STM32 Microcontrollers
  • FPGA Prototyping
  • Spanish
  • Software design
  • Python
  • Physics
  • Maths
  • Statistics
  • Artifical intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Excel
  • PostgreSQL
  • Processor Design

Key Points

  • Toolbox for software and hardware engineering
  • Business and project management
  • Specialized in microelectronics design
  • Option information technology and supply chain


As a student at Mines St-Etienne, I had the occasion to acquire advanced scientific knowledge, develop technical skills as well as project and business management skills.

Mines-St Etienne is one of the top ten French engineering school, emphasizing on projects and multidisciplinary to provide a holistic view of the role of the engineer.

I had the occasion to get introduced to both electronics, embedded systems and computer science. This provides me a technical tool box to understand the behavior and architecture of computers and embedded systems.

I decided to major in microelectronics design, learning in 6 months how to design integrated circuits such as ASIC and how to perform prototyping using FPGA. I was also introduced to the semi-conductor physics and manufacturing.

I minored in information technology and supply chain, learning about operational research, especially optimization using CPLEX.

2 years
Lycée Paul Valéry
Paris, France

Participation in competitive exam for admission to top French ÔÇ£Grandes ├ëcolesÔÇØ

Intensive Preparatory Classes

  • Numeric simulation
  • Signal processing
  • Operational Research
  • Python
  • Mechanics
  • Physics
  • Maths
  • Statistics

Key Points

  • Learn fundamental scientific and technical knowledge
  • Specialized in mathematics, physics and engineering sciences

I look forward to meeting you !